Monday, July 26, 2010

My 30-Day "Pledge"

The Pledge of Allegiance is almost forgotten in American culture today. For most grown Americans we probably remember reciting it each day in the classroom at school and then never saying it again after graduating. It is my hope that this will change.

I would like to propose a challenge to each and every person reading this to say the Pledge of Allegiance every day for 30 days. I will be putting out my flag each day, putting my hand over my heart and reciting the Pledge; and if I see others watching while I do it, I will invite them to join me.

Below is what the Pledge means to me. It was inspired by the comedian Red Skelton and an on stage performance he did explaining what the Pledge meant to him.

The Pledge of Allegiance

~I pledge allegiance~

“I” – me, myself, individually, not you, they them or us collectively
“pledge” – promise, agree, obligate, ‘cross my heart and hope to die’
“allegiance” – my love, fealty, obedience, devotion and honor.

~To the flag~

The Stars and Stripes, the Red, White and Blue, Old Glory, with 50 stars for each state on a field of Blue and 13 red and white alternating stripes for the 13 original colonies.

~of the United States of America~

NOT the United States of Mexico, Canada, England, France, Germany or even the United Nations. If you are in this country and want to assimilate and become an American Citizen and follow the appropriate rules to become one, then we welcome you with open arms. If you have come here illegally to take American jobs and abuse our welfare, healthcare, and education systems then GO HOME! We don’t want you here!

~and to the Republic~

“Republic” – We are a Representative Republic. We are not a Democracy, a Tyranny or a Dictatorship. “We the People” elect delegates to “represent” us. Delegates who take and oath, and I quote “ to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that (they) will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that (they) take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that (they) will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which (they are) about to enter. So help (them) GOD. And if they fail in that sacred duty it is our Right, no, it is our DUTY to vote them out of office and elect someone who will.

~for which it stands~

“It”, our Flag and our Constitution. Those Rules and laws by which we are guaranteed “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”.

~One Nation~

Not 50 nations. ONE nation. Working together to provide a more perfect Union.

~Under GOD~

Under Christ, under Mohammed, under Buddha, or under Odin. It doesn’t matter, take your pick; and for you Atheists, it’s STILL under GOD, and don’t worry. Even though you don’t believe, we will still be praying for you.


United, joined, permanent and inseparable.

~with Liberty~

Freedom, independence, and the right to live life without fear of threats or retaliation.

~and Justice~

We are ALL created equal, under the law and in the eyes of GOD. Our Constitution gives us equal rights and opportunities in order to prosper and pursue our individual happiness.

~for all~

Which means, in the immortal words of Red Skelton that “This is as much your country as it is mine”.

This is the Pledge of Allegiance to this “United States of America” and this is what the pledge means to me. It should be said each day in every classroom throughout the country and each citizen should say it each day, with hand over heart and in the presence or The Red, White and Blue. Hopefully, the next time you recite it you will think of these things, and it’s meaning will become imbedded in your heart and in your soul.

For those of you who refuse or don’t want to take this pledge, feel free to come and visit Disneyland, our Capital, and our beautiful scenery, and then go back home.

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